belgian electronics
Albums scraped2021-12-06T03:50:20.559Z
Last updated2021-12-06T19:45:07.050Z
Released at
56Telex - Looking For Saint Tropez1979
53Front 242 - No Comment1984-09
28Twilight Ritual - Rituals1986
12The Neon Judgement - The First Judgements1987
76Technotronic - Trip On This (remix album)1990
33Quadrophonia - Cozmic Jam1991
50Arbeid Adelt! - Des Duivels Oorkussen1991
9CJ Bolland - The 4th Sign1992
82T99 - Children of Chaos1992
49Arbeid Adelt! - Bijna heeft nog nooit een haas geschoten...1993
36Praga Khan - Conquers Your Love1996-10-15
24CJ Bolland - The Analogue Theatre1996
29Sven Van Hees - Svengali1996
21Channel X - Tuned In...Turned On1997-01-21
30DTR - demo's1997
45Koala - Gravity1997
100Various Artists - Remixology 2002 - present1998-00-00
4Styrofoam - The Point Misser2000-07-11
60Ian Van Dahl - Ace2002-05-21
22Ah Cama-Sotz - La Procesión de la Sangre2002
80Neon Electronics - System rivièra2003
3Magnus - The Body Gave You Everything2004-02-06
1The Go Find - Miami2004-09-13
88KOG_theorem - Demo 0012004-11-15
6Stijn - Euphoric2004
10The Go Find - Miami (official morr music upload)2004
18The Go Find - over the edge vs. what i want (official morr music upload)2004
99ZooL. - zoolepone2004
40Soulwax - Nite Versions2005-09-19
7Diskonnekted - Neon Night2005-10-27
13Soulwax - E Talking2005
38Fear Falls Burning - he spoke in dead tongues2005
46Nid & Sancy - Talk to the Machine2005
68Ah Cama-Sotz - Ghost in the Shadow2005
37ZooL. - Vadem2006-04-27
8Goose - Bring It On2006-09-08
11Implant - Audio Blender2006-09-29
39aMute - The Sea Horse Limbo2006-10-16
19Sonmi451 - The Quiet EP2006-11-06
67Amorph - handle with care2006-11-10
47The Mental Attack - Iluvatar2006
78Alien Masturbation Foundation - Gravity Is Cruel2006
79Darkmen - Darkmen - remixes2006
89Icteder - Ictedron2006
90Foochow - Bass Beyond2006
73Psy'Aviah - Creationism2007-02-13
59Neon Electronics - Monkey Ever After2007-03-07
35Filmjölk - Mononucleosis EP2007-03-31
87Liquid G. - The '96 Chaos Creations2007-05-12
61Aurex - One2007-08-20
23Amorph - Etats d'Esprit2007-08-30
15The Neon Judgement - Redbox2007-09-28
232Crash - Weird News From an Uncertain Future Bonus CD2007-10-19
532Crash - Weird News From an Uncertain Future2007-10-19
20Nid & Sancy - Color At the Darkest Disco2007
74Bpolar - The White Heads2007
86Akwalek - Burst, The Hero Under My Pillow2007
94Bpolar - some tracks .....2007
97Bpolar - Consolidated_silence2007
52Cruise [Ctrl] - I Heard it!2008-03-00
98Oubys - Paths (2019 Remaster)2008-03-00
55Oubys - Paths2008-03
44Distant Fires Burning - Messierobjekten2008-04-07
63Bpolar - The Orange Basement2008-04-10
16Psy'Aviah - Entertainment Industries2008-08-29
48Ah Cama-Sotz - Declaration of Innocence2008-10-02
75Skip - Intimethod2008-12-18
17IC 434 - Bacteriate2008
54haruki - Haruki goes cow tipping2008
57haruki - Haphazardly, while sitting2008
70Jonas Ruchenhever - Night Shift2008
77Fear Falls Burning - Frenzy Of The Absolute CD/LP2008
83Mashta Uirtu - Unbigoted2008
58a broken moment - Paralyzia2009-03-10
27Nid & Sancy - Yeah Yeah Yes2009-04-02
25Distant Fires Burning - 7 Sisters2009-09-01
41Distant Fires Burning - The 7LOW-sessions2009-09-01
66ZooL. - Camera2009-09-01
51Skip - HyperspaceAdventure2009-10-30
71Bpolar - Subversive Vespers2009
26Premonition Factory - 59 airplanes waiting for New York2010-02-20
92Mashta Uirtu - Melas Kholé2010-03-01
14Psy'Aviah - Eclectric2010-03-19
31Distant Fires Burning - Build on Me2010-04-14
65Omyiga - Maiwea Park EP2010-06-17
34Amorph - aléas2010-08-09
91Gerardus le Monk - Anatomy of an Angel2010
69Soda&Suds - Soda&Suds: Remixes&Productions2011-01-04
43Premonition Factory - The Sense of Time2011-03-01
81Jonas Ruchenhever - Elevate Me Now2011-09-00
32Sonmi451 - Star Atlas2011-09-15
95NTRSN - Untitled Album2011-11-01
85Bpolar - SkysOng2012-01-12
93Bpolar - Stealth2012-01-12
42Distant Fires Burning - Misc2012-02-26
62Sk'p - Astravel2014-01-06
72Sk'p - [xpl018] Orpiclem2014-02-11
64Distant Fires Burning - You're Not Listening2016-08-18
84Sk'p - Specks Of Dust At The Edge Of Immensity2018-12-18
96Solo - Do You Understand My Messages2021-10-06